Free eBook by Elizabeth Ellynshaw

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I am so excited to let you know about a brand-new book that has just been released and is available as a free PDF download. Elizabeth Ellynshaw is a beautiful woman of God who I first had the pleasure of meeting a few years ago at a Hearing God Through Your Dreams workshop hosted by Bishop Joseph Garlington at his church in Pittsburgh. She had been through our online trainings on the sacred supernatural and traveled in from out of town with a friend to attend our live event. It was wonderful for us all to connect in person!

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HELP! How Can I Discover Truth? The Best Epistemology Ever Is Revealed By Jesus

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How can I possibly come to the truth? There is so much misinformation. I've had my Facebook blogs receive a "cover banner notice" saying the information was not true, even though I was posting a bar chart study showing an increase in death rates of 4000% over the last 12 months. 

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Which Bible Translation to Use and What Is the Role of the Spirit in Coming to Truth?

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This email request came to me recently: “The newer translations of the Bible have missing words, missing whole verses. We are just wanting to be sure which are the most correct versions of the Bible? At first, righteous anger rose up, knowing no one is supposed to add or subtract anything from the Holy Bible. (How dare they?) We’ve seen the arguments on both sides. We realize it’s something the enemy uses to keep people arguing and doubting the authority of Scripture. We’re not interested in division, only truth.” - Megan

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Spirit Led Worship - A New Book By Karen M. Gray

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See Karen's website and new book here.

In reading this, please be aware that this blog is but a small snapshot, a glimpse if you like, of a very much larger topic. Although I will endeavour to provide an extensive overview, it would be impossible to collate a lifetime of experience into a single written page. Any further questions you have, feel free to ask me. (See details at the end of this blog.)

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I Am Confused Over WHO Rules

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Kathy Privitera was confused so she sent me this email: Jesus says that Satan is the prince and even god of this world. But God is the one who sets up authority and leaders. He takes one down and puts one in place (Dan. 2:21). Though Satan is the god of this world, God still has ultimate authority and control? My logical head wants to understand how can Satan be the prince of this world and God the one who sets up the authority putting leaders in place? Can you expound on that?

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Grace Is His Power Effectively Released in Me by Ian Wilkinson

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I once attended a church where grace was rumored to mean that we were alright even if we never obeyed God. Grace meant God was cutting us slack. He knew we would sin so He lowered His standards of acceptance. We were saved by grace not by works so - why bother doing any works at all? I found this definition hard to reconcile with John 1:14.

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Jesus Warns Religious Leaders They Are Not Heaven Bound

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What a scary concept, that religious leaders are not going to make it to heaven! Here is what Jesus said: "For I say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. 5:20). 

Two things come to mind: 1) I don't want to be a Pharisee; 2) I don't want to be shepherded by a Pharisee.

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Interview with Joshua Mills on Creative Glory

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I had the privilege of interviewing Joshua Mills last week to discuss his excellent new book, Creative Glory - Embracing the Realm of Divine Expression. His passion is to help Christians access the limitless creativity available to them through the Holy Spirit's anointing.

Joshua points out that our heavenly Father is introduced to us in Scripture initially as Creator. Genesis 1:1 tells us that, "In the beginning, God created...." Now God could have introduced Himself to us with any one of His hundreds of attributes, but creativity was the one chosen. While many of us know the Lord as Savior, Healer, and Deliverer, in this season He is inviting us to know Him more intimately as Creator, allowing His Spirit of Creativity to flow in our hearts and out through our lives, transforming every sphere of society. 

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